Friday, December 03, 2010

FFA soap bubble of optimism burst

We at AussieRulesBlog Central feel some sympathy for those who allowed themselves to be seduced by Frank Lowy’s boundless optimism that Australia could somehow secure the hosting rights for the World Cup.


In the cold, hard light of a Zurich day, the FFA bid had a snowball’s chance in hell, and that’s the way the votes fell.


Lowy and Ben Buckley must have known from the start they they were pushing a blanc mange up a cliff with a stick. Still, if they wanted to delude themselves and those world game aficionados who couldn’t see reason for romance, that’s fine.


What we object to was the $45 million of public money that was tipped into this farcical circus, not to mention the AFL being hounded into spending time negotiating a stadium availability solution for an event that had less chance of coming off than we have of being discovered as the long-lost scion of some mega-wealthy family.


At the end, there’s always the slim possibility of oil revenues drying up before 2020, leaving the Qataris unable to fulfil their obligations. Now THAT would be a delicious irony.

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FFA soap bubble of optimism burst

We at AussieRulesBlog Central feel some sympathy for those who allowed themselves to be seduced by Frank Lowy’s boundless optimism that Australia could somehow secure the hosting rights for the World Cup.


In the cold, hard light of a Zurich day, the FFA bid had a snowball’s chance in hell, and that’s the way the votes fell.


Lowy and Ben Buckley must have known from the start they they were pushing a blanc mange up a cliff with a stick. Still, if they wanted to delude themselves and those world game aficionados who couldn’t see reason for romance, that’s fine.


What we object to was the $45 million of public money that was tipped into this farcical circus, not to mention the AFL being hounded into spending time negotiating a stadium availability solution for an event that had less chance of coming off than we have of being discovered as the long-lost scion of some mega-wealthy family.


At the end, there’s always the slim possibility of oil revenues drying up before 2020, leaving the Qataris unable to fulfil their obligations. Now THAT would be a delicious irony.