Friday, February 20, 2009

Maxwell decision a shocker

I guess this is just what the world needs right now — another blog post about Nick Maxwell! In the wake of his suspension being overturned, there are some thoughts I’d like to share.

Let me start by saying that I think we need to value the mix of physical clashes and athletic prowess that make our sport so different from any other code of football. The one caveat that must, in my opinion, be applied at all times is that the ball is the objective.

Had Maxwell tried to genuinely tackle McGinnity, thereby making the ball his objective, and accidentally broken his jaw, we wouldn’t have this furore. Instead, Maxwell made the man his objective and shirtfronted him. It’s plain wrong to call this a shepherd.

The shirtfront is essentially a cowardly action. It’s one thing to tackle a bloke who’s not expecting it, but quite another to simply iron him out. We've moved on from the Sensational Seventies and blokes being laid out left, right and centre. Tackle the guy, and tackle him HARD, but the shirtfront has had its day.

The appeals board has got this one very, very wrong.

As for those poor souls bleating that the decision to suspend Maxwell was in some way outlawing the hip and shoulder, just go and have an Aspro and a good lie down!

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Maxwell decision a shocker

I guess this is just what the world needs right now — another blog post about Nick Maxwell! In the wake of his suspension being overturned, there are some thoughts I’d like to share.

Let me start by saying that I think we need to value the mix of physical clashes and athletic prowess that make our sport so different from any other code of football. The one caveat that must, in my opinion, be applied at all times is that the ball is the objective.

Had Maxwell tried to genuinely tackle McGinnity, thereby making the ball his objective, and accidentally broken his jaw, we wouldn’t have this furore. Instead, Maxwell made the man his objective and shirtfronted him. It’s plain wrong to call this a shepherd.

The shirtfront is essentially a cowardly action. It’s one thing to tackle a bloke who’s not expecting it, but quite another to simply iron him out. We've moved on from the Sensational Seventies and blokes being laid out left, right and centre. Tackle the guy, and tackle him HARD, but the shirtfront has had its day.

The appeals board has got this one very, very wrong.

As for those poor souls bleating that the decision to suspend Maxwell was in some way outlawing the hip and shoulder, just go and have an Aspro and a good lie down!