Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin, Jeff?

Michael Gleeson's piece in The Age, and especially the quotes of Jeff Gieschen therein, show exactly how parlous the state of officiating in elite Aussie Rules has become. The logical contortions required to justify the current week's interpretations of rules are breathtaking. God-botherers aguing about angels and pins would be almost a breath of logical fresh air by contrast.

Nick Maxwell is quoted saying: "I thinks there's just a little bit of confusion [among players] at the moment." Well, Nick, you sure dribbled a bib-full there. If the players, who have regular conversation with the umpires, are confused, what chance de we poor dumb punters have?

The micro-definition of (some) laws of the game, the (temporary) 'zero tolerance' stands, constant shifting (apparently) of interpretations, bald-faced contradictions as noted by Gleeson AND the increasingly precious attitude on the part of some umpires are damaging the brand.

I think most players and spectators want one thing and one thing only from the umpires: CONSISTENCY. Even if we think a rule is a crock of poo, if it's applied and adjudicated consistently, I'm sure most people would wear that. If the current interpretations don't allow for consistent application, CHANGE THEM!

The buck for this mess has to stop somewhere. Jeff, grab your coat and piss off!

1 comment:

Ben said...

spot on mate. im an aussie who lives over in germany now and ive tuned into a couple of AFL games this season and been totally confused by new rules. too much tinkering is not good for the game. the game should evolve naturally.

How many angels can dance on the head of a pin, Jeff?

Michael Gleeson's piece in The Age, and especially the quotes of Jeff Gieschen therein, show exactly how parlous the state of officiating in elite Aussie Rules has become. The logical contortions required to justify the current week's interpretations of rules are breathtaking. God-botherers aguing about angels and pins would be almost a breath of logical fresh air by contrast.

Nick Maxwell is quoted saying: "I thinks there's just a little bit of confusion [among players] at the moment." Well, Nick, you sure dribbled a bib-full there. If the players, who have regular conversation with the umpires, are confused, what chance de we poor dumb punters have?

The micro-definition of (some) laws of the game, the (temporary) 'zero tolerance' stands, constant shifting (apparently) of interpretations, bald-faced contradictions as noted by Gleeson AND the increasingly precious attitude on the part of some umpires are damaging the brand.

I think most players and spectators want one thing and one thing only from the umpires: CONSISTENCY. Even if we think a rule is a crock of poo, if it's applied and adjudicated consistently, I'm sure most people would wear that. If the current interpretations don't allow for consistent application, CHANGE THEM!

The buck for this mess has to stop somewhere. Jeff, grab your coat and piss off!


Ben said...

spot on mate. im an aussie who lives over in germany now and ive tuned into a couple of AFL games this season and been totally confused by new rules. too much tinkering is not good for the game. the game should evolve naturally.