Monday, November 14, 2011

Cricket’s loss

It’s not often that AussieRulesBlog strays from the path of Aussie rules, but we find ourselves deeply affected by the sudden and untimely death of Peter Roebuck.


We won’t attempt to eulogise the man. Others far more gifted with the language have already done so and there’s nothing we could legitimately add.


That said, there are few in the media scrum that these days pervades every professional sporting endeavour who could give us pause to reconsider firmly held views. Roebuck was one such.


Our summer will not be the same without him. Vale Peter.

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Cricket’s loss

It’s not often that AussieRulesBlog strays from the path of Aussie rules, but we find ourselves deeply affected by the sudden and untimely death of Peter Roebuck.


We won’t attempt to eulogise the man. Others far more gifted with the language have already done so and there’s nothing we could legitimately add.


That said, there are few in the media scrum that these days pervades every professional sporting endeavour who could give us pause to reconsider firmly held views. Roebuck was one such.


Our summer will not be the same without him. Vale Peter.