Monday, March 05, 2012

Video beast out of control, again

Back in February, we commented on the plans to trial video referral for “goal line decisions”.


Somewhat presciently, we wrote:


“Let’s hope that we don’t have a repeat of last year’s nonsense of video replays being used to try to determine whether a hand has touched a kicked ball fifteen metres out from goal. Goal line decisions only please, if we must go through this nonsense.”


Well, it only took two rounds for our worst fears to be realised. This weekend, a field umpire called for a video referral to determine if a ball had been touched off the boot.


Who is instructing these umpires and why are they making demands of this system that it cannot meet? Heavens, the ‘system’ can’t even meet the expectations of its primary prompter, AFL football operations manager Adrian Anderson. The system is rubbish and Gieschen can’t even get his mob to use it appropriately.


There are no good stories to come out of this trial. Despite a couple of legitimate corrections, the litany of failures must surely be a millstone that keeps it from surfacing for the season proper. Indeed, the only trial that should be occurring is that of Anderson’s competence and judgement to be presiding over decisions that so fundamentally affect the game.


Anyone who thinks there’s been a bit of controversy over a couple of poor decisions, or non-decisions, should wait until there’s four real Premiership points on the line. Then you’ll hear some complaining!


Time to administer the lead Aspro, Vlad — to the video referral trial and your footy operations manager.

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Video beast out of control, again

Back in February, we commented on the plans to trial video referral for “goal line decisions”.


Somewhat presciently, we wrote:


“Let’s hope that we don’t have a repeat of last year’s nonsense of video replays being used to try to determine whether a hand has touched a kicked ball fifteen metres out from goal. Goal line decisions only please, if we must go through this nonsense.”


Well, it only took two rounds for our worst fears to be realised. This weekend, a field umpire called for a video referral to determine if a ball had been touched off the boot.


Who is instructing these umpires and why are they making demands of this system that it cannot meet? Heavens, the ‘system’ can’t even meet the expectations of its primary prompter, AFL football operations manager Adrian Anderson. The system is rubbish and Gieschen can’t even get his mob to use it appropriately.


There are no good stories to come out of this trial. Despite a couple of legitimate corrections, the litany of failures must surely be a millstone that keeps it from surfacing for the season proper. Indeed, the only trial that should be occurring is that of Anderson’s competence and judgement to be presiding over decisions that so fundamentally affect the game.


Anyone who thinks there’s been a bit of controversy over a couple of poor decisions, or non-decisions, should wait until there’s four real Premiership points on the line. Then you’ll hear some complaining!


Time to administer the lead Aspro, Vlad — to the video referral trial and your footy operations manager.