Friday, July 31, 2009

New-look AussieRulesBlog

AussieRulesBlog has a new look, better reflecting, I hope, the generally serious tone of the blog. I'm trying to adopt a broadsheet-style look and feel, that I hope has a synergy with the postings.

I've done a lot of the coding myself, so I apologise in advance for any errors.

I added the recent comments gadget to give visitors a sense of what my audience is looking at and commenting on.

I hope my loyal readers like the changes.




Unknown said...

I like it- nice and simple.

Kick2Kick said...

I like the "recent comments" on the side but maybe its too much white for my liking!

New-look AussieRulesBlog

AussieRulesBlog has a new look, better reflecting, I hope, the generally serious tone of the blog. I'm trying to adopt a broadsheet-style look and feel, that I hope has a synergy with the postings.

I've done a lot of the coding myself, so I apologise in advance for any errors.

I added the recent comments gadget to give visitors a sense of what my audience is looking at and commenting on.

I hope my loyal readers like the changes.




Unknown said...

I like it- nice and simple.

Kick2Kick said...

I like the "recent comments" on the side but maybe its too much white for my liking!